Thursday, May 7, 2020



A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. But I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two dollars.”

The man smiled and said, “Come on in with me. I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother’s flowers. As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.

The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother’s house.

Friend, love your mother. Protect your mother. Value your mother.
Have you ever thought of those who have no one to call Mom. What about those who witnessed the death of their mother. Alot of Young men and women today are in deep regret of not fulfilling the promise they made to their mother. 
Friend, if you are still seeing your mother till today, congratulate her, for her love and prayers to see you grow up.
By: Chukwudobelum

LET'S PROMOTE SUCCESS: Life is Short. Spend much time as you can loving and caring people who love you. Enjoy each moment with them before it’s too late. There is nothing important than family.( Join Chukwudobelum in promoting success. Share this Inspirational article with your family and make sure it reaches out to your friends)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020



Life is full of pain and gain. Failure and success. Good and bad times.

  " Life is good when everyone is living in truthfulness, but it's perfect when the truthfulness comes with sincerity." - Chukwudobelum

Tell yourself the truth friend, you are not perfect; YEs!
We are all humans, made of errors and corrections.

All of us go through all good and bad times in life. You should always remember how you felt when you were in same condition and should not mock or judge others for being in it. Always try to understand their situation as if you are in it and help and guide much as possible today you are in a condition to help someone who needs it.
You never can tell what tomorrow brings. Guide and do not judge.

You are living free and fulfilled doesn't mean all is well or maybe you are above mistakes. You are there to help someone to get there also, to enjoy what you love enjoying. You are there for a purpose. You are high today because you need to help others who are low.
You are happy today because someone out there needs to know how you conquered sorrows and agony.
You are smiling, Yes! Maybe it's for someone to look at that face of yours in order to learn how to start smiling one-day.
Friend, you are to guide and not to judge.

Remember friend that someday you made mistakes; what about that man or woman who guided you to know that part you took to be victorious today. They are not fools you know.
It is time to recall and work towards promoting success, by helping one another to grow and fix up to succeed.

Do not judge that friend of yours out of hatred. Think about guiding him/her to know there limits. Help them to know the right to do when they are wrong. Clean up their mess by offering them good words. Make them feel loved!

Remember, to make the world a better place, you must start with your own world; yourself makes two if you guide two to know their dos and can'ts.

Stop judging! Start guiding. Guiding makes success. When you judge, you destroy, you give them another view of life that it is finished. But guiding takes them down to paradise where they will rethink and be successful.
By: Chukwudobelum

Let's promote success:

Never judge anyone because you never know how their life is and the secret behind it. Help them to be humans again by guiding them to know the real meaning of life and be successful.
( Join Chukwudobelum in promoting success. Remember action speaks louder than words. Take action and spread this news. Let it go viral. Make it reach your friends and enemies. Remember you should guide and never judge) 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020



Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. To get the best relationship, you must be open to accept the wrongs of your partner.
No one will ever say, he/she haven't make mistake, even the worst of it.

Happiness is a key to make the best relationship. Happiness is something trained inside the human body. Happiness is a habit and culture that one can as well plan to live with.
Remember you lead the life you choose. Living in harmony with your partner makes relationship special.
To build the best relationship, you must also engulf yourself with, patience, fortitude and endurance. They are the helping hands to work out the success in relationship. You have to learn to accept the fault of your partner and choosing to celebrate each others differences is one of the most important key to creating a healthy, growing and lasting relationship.
Understand things When it's your responsibility to do them. Know the parts you are to play. Counting your cards well.

Lack of trust kills good relationship; your partner is your best friend, your best friend is one you can give 78% of trust. Yes it's hard to trust in this century of ours, but you have to trust. If you don't trust, you live in fear with your partner. Living in fear with your partner drags back good things to flow in. Lack of trust in relationship will put you in dilemma. It will surround you with negative words. You live in suspect with the one you say you love. 
If you love each other, you help each other. How will you help each other if trust is not there? 
Trust help in sustaining the relationship. No man is complete. Be happy with your partner. Teach each other ways to survive and try studying the anger limits of your partner. Live in the spirit of oneness.
Cherish, love and help your partner.
By: Chukwudobelum

Let's promote success:
To make your relationship special, learn to help each other.
Patience, fortitude and endurance builds the best relationship, live by them

Never say you hate your partner and be humble..........( Join Chukwudobelum in promoting success by sharing this inspirational article with your loved ones)

Monday, May 4, 2020



"Anything that doesn't favor you destroys you ". 
         - Chukwudobelum
Friend, do you know that anytime you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like when you say to your neighbor words the ear shouldn't hear, maybe later on you ask for forgiveness, Yes! It is true that you will be forgiven be but the forgiveness you received becomes a memory that may even last for eternity. A memory that will be celebrated in regret when remembered. That's why you see people asking and pleading for mercy saying, ' forgive and forget ', friend the forgiveness maybe assured but it's hard to forget, especially when the wound is much.

As a lover of success you should know your limits. Control your temper. Remember out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Many go by this philosophy, because the way you  understand  " come on " may differ from the second and third person.

You are the conductor of your own orchestra. You are in charge of your life and happiness. Control yourself if you love success. Know things that worth saying and  things the mind answers in silent.

Anger is a killer of success. Anger destroys the heart of a lover of success. Anger gives you another view of life. It separates you and success. Anger draws you closer to failure and takes you down the drain.

Friend, say No to anything that won't help you to grow in order to achieve success. Give up on failure by controlling your temper.
Remember you are on a mission. Remember your dream is your priority. Remember the rule of success which says, " living happily on the road to achieve success ". Friend, happiness makes success come quick. Learn to avoid the agents of anger. Learn to be happy in the midst of those who expose you to anger.

Do not allow someone who doesn't know about your dream to kill it for you. Be with those who contribute to your happiness for they are helpers of your success.

Anyone who calls you good names but doesn't want to show you how to be good is never a friend ". - Chukwudobelum
 Pick good friends!

By: Chukwudobelum

Let's promote success:

Control your temper and don't say harsh words to people in the heat of the moment that you may later regret.Somethings in life, especially harsh words should be taken care of in the meeting with the mind, SILENTLY. " If you are unable to take it back, never offer it to your neighbor or friend ". ( Join Chukwudobelum in promoting success).

Sunday, May 3, 2020



Once upon a time, there was a man who was very helpful, kindhearted, and generous. He was a man who will help someone without asking anything to pay him back. He will help someone because he wants to and he loves to. One day while walking into a dusty road, this man saw a purse, so he picked it up and noticed that the purse was empty. Suddenly a woman with a policeman shows up and gets him arrested.

The woman kept on asking where did he hide her money but the man replied, "It was empty when I found it, Mam." The woman yelled at him, "Please give it back, It's for my son's school fees." The man noticed that the woman really felt sad, so he handed all his money. He could say that the woman was a single mother. The man said, "Take these, sorry for the inconvenience." The woman left and policeman held he man for further questioning.

The woman was very happy but when she counted her money later on, it was doubled, she was shocked. One day while the woman was going to pay her son's school fees towards the school, she noticed that some skinny man was walking behind her. She thought that he may rob her, so she approached a policeman standing nearby. He was the same policeman, who she took along to inquire about her purse. The woman told him about the man following her, but suddenly they saw that man collapsing. They ran at him, and saw that he was the same man whom they arrested few days back for stealing a purse.

He looked very weak and woman was confused. The policeman said to the woman, "He didn't return your money, he gave you his money that day. He wasn't the thief but hearing about you son's school fees, he felt sad and gave you his money." Later, they helped the man stand up, and the man told the woman, "Please go ahead and pay your son's school fees, I saw you and followed you to be sure that no one steals your son's school fees." The woman was speechless.
By: Chukwudobelum

LET'S PROMOTE SUCCESS: life gives you strange experiences, sometime it shocks you and sometimes it may surprise you. We end up making wrong judgments or mistakes in our anger, desperation and frustration. However, when you get a second chance, correct your mistakes and return the favor. Be Kind and Generous. Learn to Appreciate what you are given.

Saturday, May 2, 2020



 " Don't be afraid when things fall apart, you never can tell if it will fall to the part for you to partake in success ".
There are time of sorrow and happiness. Time of enjoyment and time of suffering. Time to work and time to rest. Life makes no sense without suffering. Suffering helps one to think and retreat. Suffering helps one to be wise. Suffering helps one to learn and get experience about life and the road to success.

When the road seems dark, be courageous. When situations turnaround out of your favor, be courageous. When you face failure, be courageous.
It takes only real grit for one to defeat failure. You are great when you are courageous.

Friend, as a lover of success, you are entitled to be courageous. Do not shake when there are bad moments. Learn from these challenges, figure out something good from them. Reinforce these challenges to energize you get close to success.

Be courageous when things fall apart. You never can tell if it will fall to the part for you to partake in success.

Friend, what makes you a unique being is not only your purpose, but also how you react in time of difficulty. It shows how mature you are. It tells more about you and the success steps you are going to face. Be courageous!

Sometimes things happen for you to get closer to success. Accept challenges, they put you on a high test to achieve success.

I am talking about your success remember, don't panic when you fail. You must fail to succeed, remember 'F' comes before 'S' in the alphabetical order. Embrace failure to learn and fix up to succeed. Be courageous for nothing bad last for eternity.
By: Chukwudobelum

Let's promote success: 
Friend, do not forget about this quote of mine.
" Don't be afraid when things fall apart, you never can tell if it will fall to the part for you to partake in success ".

Friday, May 1, 2020



" Unexamined life is not worth living "
As one who loves success, you must check on your success stats, minimum of daily to know how far you have gone.
Meditation is one of those helping tools to get close to success daily and definitely. Meditation plays very much good role in the life of a lover of success and also making one fit to achieve success.


  • Greater sense of awareness.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Increases mental clarity and focus.
  • Helps the emotional intelligence.
  • Trigger the brains relaxation response.
Friend, never think you are not making success, You are. But you have to learn something new to make better efforts. You have to check on the level of success you have today if it worth your happiness.

Meditation and making!

Having checked on your efforts so far, seeing what you have got. Be courageous and start making more efforts. There are lots of opportunities, be courageous and make more creativity. 
" If you can read, Read! If you can write, Write!, Make sure you are getting close to success daily".
           - Chukwudobelum
Friend, you can meditate. You have all it requires to meditate. Why then are you lacking meditation in your daily rituals? Why are you not practicing it? Your success is in your hands remember. You own your dream also. If you really love success, you must learn how to meditate.

Make more plans, build your goals to be stronger, practice new things silently. Circulate creativity and be focused to direct them. 
Meditation is the key, practice it!
Being courageous and making efforts is also the key, observe them daily!
By: Chukwudobelum

Let's promote success:
Having gone through this Inspirational article and the dos and can'ts pointed out. Living by them is the best of it all friend, for they will put you on a high test to achieve success.

Thursday, April 30, 2020



How lovely it will be for the world to be a better place. How pleasant it will be for all to live in harmony. In the spirit of oneness!
As one who loves success and wants to be successful, it is your obligation to rejoice with your friend when the aroma of success is perceived around him/her. Be happy with your friends when life starts being easy for them.

Anybody who dream to be successful must be happy with those who have achieved success. If you really want to be good, you must also love good things as simple as that.

Wish me well if you perceive success around me!
Be happy with that friend of yours who bought a new car, he might be the person to guide you on how to go about the shipping of a good engine car of your choice when you wanna get yours. Think about wishing them bad and they're to be your helping hands to achieve success fast, what about when you are about to shine? What will happen to you when you get to the height they have reached?
Common sense is common friend!
Wish that friend of yours well when they share good news with you. Wish them success if you want their happiness.
Wish that friend of yours well when the got a better job. Wish that friend of yours well when they got promoted at their place of work, even if you work that same place, celebrate with them, for they might be helping hands you need to be placed on better salary. It's a small world remember. 
Things happen for reasons. Changes occur for a better stand. Situation change for a new lessons to be learnt.

That time a friend of yours shared their story to you about that engagement ring 🤔 , how do you feel, jealous? No it's an error, be happy and wish them success in marriage, Wish them good for the marriage to come to reality. Your connection to get married might be on their wedding day.

A lover of success is one who rejoice with friends and enemies when they noticed the good turnaround in their lives.

Be a lover of success!

Wish others success for others to wish you success. Never gossip them. Never be jealous.
Be happy when your friends are happy.

Let's promote success!!!
By: Chukwudobelum

Wednesday, April 29, 2020



Two good friends on the road to success, it happened to be that one is Bright and the other is Kingsley. Bright is very creative and good than Kingsley while Kingsley is a proud fellow to Bright who never wanted to learn anything new than immorality, he has passion for theft. It was on a good Friday evening, Kingsley visited Bright, who was busy with his book when he (Kingsley)got there. Bright at the sight of Kingsley wasn't happy, he has been looking for a way to end his friendship with him but it wasn't easy for him because Kingsley keep coming to him. Bright gave Kingsley a warm welcome, they talked about their day and trending things happening in the society. During the conversation, Kingsley shared his dream to Bright that if he is oppurtuned to go to the overseas that he gonna do exploits and be successful in life like other youths in the society. Bright laughed at him saying ' good if you are oppurtuned ', he advised Kingsley to start up something little before dreaming of something that can't come so quick as he's wishing. As Kingsley keep viewing out his interest the more Bright is being forced to say out his plans of traveling to Germany by next month to him, but he tried holding his words back. Kingsley continued saying, he will love it if they travel together and live as friends.........and as the conversation keep getting stronger, Bright without knowing and out of Joy started telling Kingsley about his plans and arrangements of going over to Germany for his studies, he told the story in explicit. Kingsley paused after hearing him out and were so jealous of the dream of his friend Bright, the tone of his voice changed in a second. Bright immediately came back to his senses of what he has said as he noticed the sudden change in Kingsley. He was aware that he messed up telling Kingsley about his plans. Kingsley gave Bright good words of encouragement, they had good moments and he left for his house. Later at midnight, Bright was very worried about the words of encouragement from Kingsley, it was clear to him that they weren't genuine. But the deed has been done! . Kingsley planned evil for Bright out of jealousy and envy which lead to the downfall of Bright, Bright became lazy and useless to himself and never thought of studies again. ( Indeed this is wickedness! )


There are things you say out, there are also things you shouldn't say out. Being silent in some situations helps one get closer to success, it saves one from downfall and shame. That's why a patience being is a precious being, for if you are patience, you will know that being silent to some talks matters.
The road to success is never easy, temptations to go down the drain always popping up, but it takes only real grit to keep up on the goal.
Many people today have said things that doesn't matter when they are called to speak, maybe during an argument. Know your words friend!

Friend, anything that doesn't help you, kills you!, You should know when to talk and when to be calm.
Your success is in your hands, so as the power to voice out is in your hands, it's better being silent, be conscious of your story line when telling it. How will you feel when you harm your happiness by yourself? How will it sound ?
If you think you are born to talk, why not easing the stress with a pen and paper. Make journals of the things you would have said and read them at youryour leisure, take a look of what you should have said, admire how crazy it would have been if you said those words out.

If you can't put them down on a piece of paper, then be silent, don't talk much for it's your success I'm much interested in.
Try knowing your limits!
By: Chukwudobelum

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Many a time you see people who labour from week to week, working hard in order to live a fulfilled life. Most of these people are happy when they see or look at their Bank account growing mightily, maybe fixed deposit. Yes the joy and love of having increases by having. Why not give yourself a little time celebrating success.

Your happiness shouldn't be inner circle always, you can give yourself a break and celebrate yourself (success). You must not be happy only on your birthday, posting picture and videos on the social media. It must not be a 'thank God is Friday party', it's something I defined as " celebration of success even in all odds ". You can have it at the middle of the month or beginning of the week, but never at the end of the month or year for it will now take the place of ' celebration of life '. I'm talking about success!

Give it a try either the beginning of the week on a fixed week or the middle of the month. It's not only celebration but praising yourself for working hard, not only praise but as well encouragement to keep going in all odds.

Celebrate success, remember it's hardwork in action to figure out the best of you. Check on how far you have gone, know your rights and wrongs so far. Ask yourself some of these questions below;
Am I doing well?
Am I really working hard?
Am I making success?
If I'm making success, how huge?

If you are able to pass 2/4, then fix up!
It's a gradual process to achieve success in life remember with fortitude and good motives. Feel free to ask questions to know how well you are going, ask your coach, close friends and mentor, let them help you with guidelines for you can't do it all by yourself.
Celebrate success!
Encourage yourself to do more, for everything good must come.
By: Chukwudobelum

Monday, April 27, 2020



"To get the best of Vision you must have the best version of passion".
Ritual is any practice or pattern of behavior regularly performed in a set of manner. They help to develop healthy habits as well as the discipline you need to succeed.

For one to be successful in career, who you go with, where you go to, what you engage in and things you do must be in line with the dream. You can't be a science student and you engage yourself in literature always in order to have the best results. It doesn't work!
The rituals you keep are your helping hands to keep up on your dream.
Rituals help one to get closer to success daily. They are like reminders. They make you fit for the tax ahead, therefore when making rituals it should be in the same lane with what your vision is sighting. The people you choose to surround yourself with impacts the way you think, act and feel on day-to-day basis.

When you notice that you can't keep to it anymore, check on them, know if they correspond with your dream. Change your rituals immediately if they differ from your vision and dream. Your rituals and Vision can't be incompatible.
 Make research on the ritual for your dream. Change your rituals to go with your passion and keep to it.

Time heals.
Learning new things are sometimes difficult, but you have to give it time, for you may find it difficult changing what you have trained for a long time, but friend, that's the best thing to do. It is right you change it fast and learn it fast. Give it time you gonna master it and enjoy living by your passion and Vision through it.
By: Chukwudobelum

Tuesday, April 14, 2020



Oscar Wilde will say " the optimist sees the donut, the pessimist sees the hole ".
A pessimist is somebody who complains about the noise when opportunity Knocks " - Oscar W.
The moment you think of success like somethingthat happens because you are ready for it, you begin to dive into it even without interest. That is thinking for you. Your perspective matters more in being successful. It is like your agreement with the success steps.
Your vision of the world and your perspective decide if something is good or bad. What may be a nightmare to you could be an alarm for rising for me to wake up to face the activities of the day.
Think positive and live healthy, your thinking free you from the ideology of what others feels for you. If you think nobody loves you, accepting that nobody loves you will make you to start feeling bad even if everyone starts loving you.

How do you feel when saying " I failed terribly in my examination? "
Friend, let's check this out, now try saying " I learned so much from my last examination, I'm sure I will not make the same mistake again ", can you feel the difference?
That is how our thinking and perspectives works.
Try seeing failure as an opportunity to grow. Failure is something a lover of success Will always face to grow and be a success. But when you fail try working towards filling up the space for the failure not to occur over and over again.

Try to perceive success in the midst of failure, make success your thoughts of the day, even when you fail during the day, the success thoughts will make it easier for you to succeed after failing thousand times, for it will energize your will power to keep moving.

Winston Churchill will say " success is not fatal, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts ".
Friend, don't throw your goal away at the first sign of misfortune or opposition. So many successful people you admire today failed terribly thousand times, but they didn't give up, you have to cultivate a state of mind to help you keep focused and disciplined, that which persistent can help. Your thinking makes you, think positive!
By: Chukwudobelum

Monday, April 13, 2020



" To be successful you must welcome with open arms both hardwork and hard times ".
Friend, there are some certain things that happens to us all for a reason.The bad  moments and the good moments makes life smooth and helps you to get fit and closer to success. As it is been that every downfall is a blessing. The bad moments you face are there to put you through success, they are indeed challenging but they also put you on a high test to work more, harder to get closer to success. 
Life without pain makes no gain. The pain helps you to shape out the gain, the pain and the gain encourage you and makes the best out of you.

You have to accept the bad moments by challenging your way of looking at them. Everything that happens to you is a challenge and an opportunity at the same time.

When you fail, encourage yourself that you are happy that you failed, there's something you didn't get right, which is the reason of you failing and that which failing will be the only solution to it's resolution to help you get it going good again.

What happens in your life has no value, it's not important, but to get the value, you must know how to respond to that that happened, because it is what makes your life.
Life is a chain of moments, happy moments and sad moments, it depends on you to make the best of each and every one of those moments. 
According to positive thinkers " if life gives you a lemon, add sugar to it and make lemonade out of it "
Some healthy attitudes;
1. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
2. Admit that there are things you don't know.
3. Always ask for help and let others help you.
4. Differentiate between what you have done in your life until now and what you want to do or better still, will do from now on.

Friend, if you are willing to have a positive attitude.
Think of a negative situation and turn it around.
By: Chukwudobelum

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Easter wishes from Chukwudobelum

Beloved friend, today the world at large is observing the love shared by our Lord Jesus Christ in saving us from sin and iniquities.

As we rejoice in all jollification, I wish you success in all you embark on. I wish you wisdom and understanding. I wish you good health and the strength to work hard towards ac
hieving your goal.

Please friend, stay safe and warm. Make effort in taking the necessary precautions during this period of quarantine( Covid 19 ).

I love you!

By: Chukwudobelum

Friday, April 10, 2020



" You are the man you admire if you belief you can be admired ".

Friend, you are the director of your life, you are the best editor of your story, you are in charge of your life. 
Robert Dilts defines beliefs as 'assessments and judgement about ourselves, others and the world around us'. A belief is a habitual thought pattern. They're like fulfilling prophecy. Friend, you have to a change your pattern of thinking in order to change your life and be successful. Believe is a choice you have to make to be successful. Your choice serves as your will power to be a success. If you believe you can make it, friend no matter how bad the road to success may seem, you will be successful.
Henry Ford will say" if you think that you won't make, if you think that it is impossible, then you will not achieve it even if your effort is huge ". Friend, your thinking determines your success.

                    Think positive! 
A positively thinking person is not a dreamer, who thinks there are no problems in life. Instead he or she recognizes that problems are opportunities to grow, and knows that they only have the meaning that they are given. Positive thinking is to see reality as it is, accept it, and make the best of it. Don’t let your thoughts dominate you, instead dominate your thoughts.

Friend, immediately you guide yourself with the thought of " LIFE IS TOUGH ", life not being tough for others will definitely be tough for you. Don't believe that opportunity comes only but once, for there are alot to achieve which will merit you lots of opportunities.

Dearest friend, believe you are great, believe life is easy, believe everything happens for a reason,  believe that it gonna be alright and believe you can do it. You will see yourself living out your good thoughts and becoming successful.

By: Chukwudobelum 

Listen to Chukwudobelum Inspirational life changing words (know your limits podcast)

Thursday, April 9, 2020



" The more you settle for available, the more you settle for even less for what you settled for ".
The road to success is not smooth and can never be smooth, for anything that is gotten at a cheap rate has 88% possibility of not lasting.
Friend, everything must not be alright for you to be alright, why not giving it more time .
Time heals, give it time, settling for average makes you a failure, it kills the zeal of other people emulating your good ways and creating bad impression for the learner, it destroys the mind of the learner. Someone is in love with your way of living, whether good or bad, somebody somewhere is fixing up from your fixed up success.

It is true that bad situation limits success, but friend, the appalling condition you find yourself in shouldn't make you live in total dismay.
Keep working towards success. The bad , unpleasant situation you are facing today will give you another mind to be steadfast, focused and help you to rethink and get off your mind those things that doesn't matter in your life when you understand the reason for ' failure before success '.
These unpleasant experiences are there for you to get there, they are reminding you something, they are shaping you for success and they are training you for the battle ahead.
Friend, life without pain makes no gain, don't give up. Install the mind of a winner, keep pushing hard for after the rain comes sunshine.

Friend, the ending part of a story lies the best interest of the story. The end of everything matters. The end of your story should be the best of your story and the best of your story should be your happiness.
Before you give up examine yourself if you can still keep up. Stay calm for everything will be alright, give it time for time heals.

By: ChukwudobelumListen to my Inspirational life changing words ( know your limits podcast)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020



" Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success ".
Friend, everyone thinks of changing the world, doing unimaginable things but no one thinks of changing himself. You have gone through series of moral teachings, from parents, the school, the church and the society, why still living your life as if you have not been able to receive good words since your life.

Friend, so many parents today are wondering why they are experiencing challenges with their children, some are In doubt if it is the will of the supreme being (God). You are the joy giver of your parents, make them proud of you!
Make your parents smile daily at their sight on you, make them call you good names, make them know that you love them, not by saying it but by working towards success.

Alot of youths today wants to make their parents happy, but have you asked yourself, which way is the best to make them feel good ?, Is not all about getting yourself into illegal activities, but your character, way of living and your love towards success.
Friend, the worst thing than being a blind person is having no vision with sight. Make your parents know you have a vision.

No one is going to hand you success, you must go out and get it yourself. Your contribution towards your parents happiness can merit them more years on Earth.

Dearest friend, there are three things you cannot recover in life; the ' word ' after it is said, the ' moment ' after it is missed, and the ' time ' after it is gone.
Make your parents happy and shape their Joy to be complete.
By: Chukwudobelum

Tuesday, April 7, 2020



" Building The mindset of a winner gives you more opportunity to be a success ".
  Failure is part of learning, we should never give up the struggle in life. You fail not because you are destined to fail, but because there are lessons which you need to learn as you move on with your life.

Believe in yourself no matter the ups and downs you may face on your way to achieve success, standing your ground no matter how difficult the road to success may seem.
Friend, you will never do anything in this world without courage. You have to get the mindset of a successful man to be able to reach your dream Land.

Dearest friend, it is better now, for one day you might wake up and there won't be more time as you have always wanted.
Being courageous, staying focused and positive are all good keys to build up the mindset of a winner. Believing that you have made it makes it easier for you to get closer to success.

Forget about the things and obstacles faced by others, in your own time, you are unique, build up  the mindset that you are already successful. In order for you to accomplish great things, you must not only act, but also dream and not only plan, but also believe it will work out.
Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible and suddenly friend, you are doing the impossible. It's easy to believe you can, so believe!

Remember, that whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can as well achieve. Believe you can !
Dearest friend, failure is a temporary state, rather a first step to success. Giving up makes it a permanent state, like carving on a stone.
Don't give up! Build it up!
By: Chukwudobelum

Monday, April 6, 2020



All of us go through the good and bad things in life, we should always remember how we felt when we were in same condition and should not mock others for being in it.
Friend, always try to understand the situation of your brother or sister, it must not be your blood but those who need your helping hand.
You must not have it all to help, you must not acquire all the wealth on Earth before you think about being a helping hand to others, those their situation seems bad to yours.

Friend, remember the saying " givers never lack ", helping others creates opportunities for more favors to flow in.
Friend, I want to call to your notice, that no matter how big your house is , how recent your car is or how big your bank account is, our graves will always be the same size. Why not stop thinking for your own benefits, remember somebody helped you to get where you are today. Alot of people are out there, seeking for who to give them a common help, it might be your knowledge, your talent or even material things; they are all helping hands. Sharing your knowledge is one of the best helping hands ever recorded.
Friend, the knowledge you share to your fellow being can reward you everlasting happiness.

Giving what so ever you have for the good of your friends, brother or sister for their happiness is a helping hand.
Dearest friend, don't be a self-centered person, Don't think about your own benefits disregarding that of your neighbor. There are those close to you, who in one way or the other need your helping hand, why ignoring them, why seeing them as those who are just good in receiving, why not playing that little role of yours in showing your them love, why not giving them a reason to be happy and why not contributing to their inner joy?. No man is complete remember, but always remember that there are those your situation is brighter than their own.
Make one man happy and contribute to the happiness of a generation. Live and let others live for what you enjoy might be their Joy. What you enjoy might be the solution to the problem of your neighbor.

Friend, helping someone makes someone, forget about the discouraging words of your friends, maybe that helping a stranger can lead to your early grave. What about those who helped you get to your destination, are they all your family members? , No!
It's time to be a helping hand to someone friend, put a smile on the face of others and smile and shine on.
By: Chukwudobelum

Sunday, April 5, 2020



    " Anyone who calls you good names, but doesn't want to show you how to be good is never a friend ".
Dear lover of success, it is all about knowing your friend, it is all about being a good friend and it is all about picking good friends.

Dearest friend, one of the best ways of learning immoral acts and putting them into practice is as a result of the people that surrounds your table; the friends you keep.
Most young men and women in our world today has been discouraged by friends to get to success. Friend, remember the world is filled with dream crushers, especially when what you are engaging in attracts you favor.

Friend, there are certain questions you should ask yourself;
Have I included the right people to help me achieve success in life?
The friends I keep are they really my destiny helpers?
What impact have my friends made in my life?
What is the dream of my friend?
Who is my friend?

Dearest friend, these questions will help you to know the type of friends you should keep, for many have had their dreams knocked right out of them because of the friends they keep, because of the evil they embrace.
Friends are destiny helpers, for instance, if you have a friend who love the things of God, surely, even if you are not a lover of success, you will respect the things of God, by respecting the things of God, you will gradually develop fear of God in you, by so doing you have been initiated to be a lover of the things of God. This is also what happens to us in matters of evil, when you keep immorality, when you embrace evil as a friend, maybe one who is a doer of evil, definitely, as the friendship becomes stronger, as you cement the closeness with your fellow, you will turn to be an evildoer.

Friend, remember darkness has nothing to do with light, remember that you represent something useful here on Earth. Remember you are on a mission, remember that you are a light; you being a light makes you a success before your mother conceived you.
Friend, you are designed, destined for something great.
You are a success coming into the this world, why can't you then make it a reality
?, why still in that toxic relationship?, Why still living the life of your friends, then trading yours for evil?.
What will you look like, when you see your mates then in school, those who tried having good and useful friends, who helped them achieve success after school, living comfy, doing unimaginable things?, Friend, will you be happy being proud of them, will it please you praising them for making efforts?. It is time that you wake up, saying a loud NO to evil friends you embrace, giving up on those who have come to destroy your blessed future, those who have no joy for you to enjoy and pick good friends. A good friend is one who will tell you boldly in your eyes when you are falling behind, one who can open up success opportunities for you, those who can impact positive changes in your dear life.

Dearest friend, the evil you embrace are friends who have no good intentions to make you be useful, to your family, society and the world at large. They are there for you, just for, maybe what you have (material) or (wealth). Knowing your friend is like knowing your future. Try to keep friends who gives you Joy to enjoy the future and live happily.
By: Chukwudobelum

Saturday, April 4, 2020



" Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude ".
Dearest friend, being in existence today, seeing yourself in the midst of the living and breathing in and out daily gives you a reason to be happy. Friend, being able to go to bed at night, waking up in the morning, going out and coming in safely makes you comfy.

Friend, the pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.

There are alot of people out there who think of a way of getting just a square meal, many of them out there who think of where to go and get help of a token that you spend in seconds, there are those who their problem is just shelter, but friend, in your own case you possess almost all the three (3) basic needs of life, do you think you still have a problem?, Then if you do , try visiting the orphanage homes, try checking on the patients in the hospital close to your locality, make out time to visit those who had only a father or a mother taking care of them, maybe in a family of five (5). You have every reason to smile, for no man is complete, you have every reason to be happy, for you wake up daily and seeing your siblings healthy, what about those who represent their family here on Earth, those who have no brother, no sister talk more of parents.

Dearest friend, self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how awesome you are if you can't see it yourself. We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, some lessons are painful, while some are painless, but all are priceless. Friend being happy does not mean that everything is perfect, it means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Smile friend, just remember there is someone out there that is more than happy without less than what you have.

You don't own all the problem in the world, for not everything will go as you least expect in your life, this is why you need to drop expectations and go with the flow of life.
What so ever you desire will come, for everything good will come, it might t Indianake a year, it might take a day, but in all , what is meant to be will always find it's way.

Friend, it's time you know this "smiling gives you more opportunity to live on ".
Smile and do not shed tears, for you don't own all the problem in the world.
By: Chukwudobelum

Friday, April 3, 2020



" Don't let what's happening around you to take your round the situation, try to make out a roundabout route for success ". 
   This Inspirational quote of mine reminds me of the day a comrade of mine shared his plagues with me, he said to me ' mirror, why am I still living?, What and who have I wronged?, Why is my own case different?, He continued saying, I have tried my very best in making my parents proud, of which you are a witness to that, I am hardworking, intelligent, but all my efforts seems to be weak, either in my exams to be in school like others or to be at the vineyard of the supreme being (God) ". I felt his fury and asked him a question - ' what do you find joy in doing that can make at least two persons happy?, He replied, saying, ' you know me very well that I am intelligent, 'I can sing and as well dance '. I ended the conversation with him, saying, ' then sing and dance to the glory of the supreme being (God), for man's happiness and make yourself a supremacist '.

Friend, many today are Still living in ignorance, life has become like a desert land for them. It is high time you wake up from your bed of ignorance and of laziness.
You are created for a purpose, you are living for something, you are breathing from a special oxygen, so friend, you have to make it your own, for you are in charge, you are in control of what goes around you.
Not managing your area of work makes you irresponsible remember.
Friend, obstinately refusing to consider the future will never win you an award, you have to be active to know when your priorities are on the right lane. You need to get your priorities straight, you have to polish it, make it sound and decide what is important to you.
     " Kill the laziness in you in your young age and be happy in your old age "
Remember, it is never too late until you give up and also know that, " the only person who doesn't listen to good words is a dead person ", live out your purpose and make your purpose an instrument of success.

Your purpose is your corner stone, nurture it, your purpose is your helping hand in making your parents, society, and the world at large happy.

                                                                   Your purpose is your priority.
Don't let the friends you keep to give you a new definition of yourself; some of the people you are seeing today on the streets roaming around lived outside their purpose. Friend, the people you mingle with, the friends you keep, the group you associate with determines your power towards your purpose.

The situation you are facing and challenges has nothing to do with you being a success, for it takes real grit to say no to failure, make out way where there is no way and let the power in you stand out for you. Your first priority is to improve standard and define your activeness towards success.

Friend, make your purpose your priority and your priority your purpose. You have all it takes to be useful, the materials are in you to build it up, energize the good man in you, feed the hardwork in you, entertain your activeness and make out something useful out of everything fruitful.

By: Chukwudobelum 

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Theme: What others think of you is none of your business.

Don't annoy the positivity in you with the negativity of your friends. Starting with this Inspirational quote of mine. One of the things that delay our success is what or the ideology of our inner thoughts, the time you begin to ask yourself questions about what people will say about your actions, how the people will perceive your doings , what people will tag your proposed feedback. Friend, it does not matter what they will say, the matter lies on the good outcome of your actions ( hardwork towards success ).
Alot of growing wisdom men has been taken down the drain, just because of what the imagined others will say about them, some started Strong but weakens when the get to the middle of success. Remember that darkness has nothing to do with light, that very moment you notice that people are saying, commenting, arguing about your dealings, actions, keep up, let the light bright on, shame the darkness that is trying to overshadow your light and keep your good deeds sparkling.

Friend, you have to know this " whenever you are doing unimaginable deeds, you fix a roundtable meeting for your friends and enemies to debate ". Moving from zero to one and failing to succeed will tell more, that the road to success is never smooth and the obstacles you face on your way climbing the mountain will decide your joy when you get to the mountain. Sometimes these obstacles help us to keep moving forward, keep striving and always being focused on the goal unachieved.

It is none of your business when people gossip about you, your career, your way of living, your unimaginable deed or actions, in as much as you are on the right side, so far as your actions are for good. 

It is none of your business, when people talk about you, sometimes they spread your good deeds indirectly to others.

Friend, it makes you a public figure when people talk about you daily, it makes you a celebrity and helps your success come in a hurry when people gather to discuss on your actions displayed for your good, for in the midst of six (6) there must be a saint.
Friend, it is all about keeping up your
good life, doing what gives you Joy and remaining positive to succeed.

What others think of you is absolutely none of your business, for your business is not their business, the two are incompatible, just as your faces differs from each other. The impacts you are making, goals that you are achieving and the dream you are making a reality are your business. Know your limits, do the needful and stay focused on getting close to success daily.

By: Chukwudobelum

Know your limits podcast with Chukwudobelum


Sunday, December 8, 2019

FAMILY AFFAIRS with Dr. Mrs Nma Olebara

From the desk of Dr. Mrs Nma Olebara on 👉 FAMILY AFFAIRS.
( Not the full article)
- Whatever we want our children to be we must first practice them namely moral values, honesty, humility, chastity, love, peace, decency especially in dressing. We are expected to sow some good seeds, as we shall reap what we sow, if we sow kindness and wickedness, what shall we reap?
Mothers should not be too busy at the expense of their children but be available at home to attend to their needs. They need information from us, if we are not emotionally available, how do they get it. Answer their questions and mind the types of friends they keep.
She says that every wise woman builds her home but the foolish one plucks it down. She ended saying May peace reign in every home as it is the beginning of happiness.
By: Dr. Mrs Nma Olebara

To add up in line with my upcoming inspirational article theme ' The positivity I trained ' I will say that when a mother guides the child or children well, impacting good habits and morals on them, that woman has given the child or children 5% power to be successful.
By: Chukwudobelum.
Remember when you are inspired you are happy we are happy, so get inspired.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Origin of gratitude;
Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness.
From the Latin word 'gratus',( pleasing, thankful).
Is a feeling of appreciation felt by and/ or similar positive response shown by the recipient of kindness, gifts, help, or other types of kindness, towards the giver of such gifts.
The experience of gratitude has historically been a focus of several world religions. It has also been a topic of interest to ancient, medieval and modern philosophers.
The systematic study of gratitude within psychology only began around the year 2000, possibly because psychology traditionally focused more on understanding distress than on understanding positive emotions. The study of gratitude within psychology has included the understanding of the short term experience of the emotion of gratitude (state gratitude), individual differences in how frequently people feel gratitude ( trait gratitude), and the relationship between these two aspects, as well as the therapeutic benefits of gratitude.

Gratitude is not the same as indebtedness. While both emotions occur following help , indebtedness occurs when a person perceives that they are under obligation to make some repayment of compensation for aid, the emotions lead to different actions; indebtedness can motivate the recipient of the aid to avoid the person who has helped them, where as gratitude can motivate the recipient to seek out their benefactor, and to improve their relationship with them.

The Link between spirituality and gratitude has recently become a popular subject of study. While these two characteristics are certainly not dependent on each other, studies have found that spirituality is capable of enhancing a person's ability to be grateful, and therefore, those who regularly attend religious activities are more likely to have a greater sense of gratitude in all areas of life. Worship with gratitude to God is a common theme in such religions, and therefore, the concept of gratitude permeate religious texts, teachings, and traditions. For this reason is one of the most common emotions that religious aim to provoke, and maintain in followers, and regarded as a universal religious sentiment.
Gratitude has been said to mold and shape the entire Christian Life. Martin Luther referred to gratitude as " the basic christain attitude ", and today it is still referred to as"the heart of the gospel". Christians are strongly encouraged to praise and give gratitude to their creator. In Christian gratitude, God is seen as the selfless giver of all good things, and because of this, there is a deep sense of gratefulness which enables Christians to share a common bond, shaping all aspects of a followers life. Gratitude in Christianity is an acknowledgement of God's generosity that inspire Christians to shape their own thoughts, and actions around such ideal.

Association with well-being:
People who are more grateful have higher levels of subjective well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships.
Specifically, in terms of depression, gratitude may serve as a buffer by enhancing the coding and retrievability of positive experiences. Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self acceptance. Grateful people have more positive ways of coping with difficulties they experience in life, being more likely to seek support from other people , reinterpret, and grow from experiences, and spend more time planning how to deal with the problem. Grateful people also have less negative coping strategies, being less likely to try to avoid the problem, deny there is a problem, blame themselves, or cope through substance use. Grateful people sleep better, and this seems to be because they think less negative, and more positive thoughts just before going to sleep. In addition a person's gratitude can protect the relationship satisfaction of their partner.
                                 BE GRATEFUL!
According to Cicero, " Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all others ".
Gratitude in our world today is no more observed. How many of us are grateful for the life which they have up till today? FEW, people only celebrate the gift of life on their birthdays, how many of us celebrate the gift of life daily? FEW, how many of us Live in gratitude? FEW. There are some certain things one should do to merit more sound achievements, all we are good in is to tell the creator all our problems. How do you feel when you do good to others, and in return they serve you anger?, Let's learn to be grateful for " a grateful heart is a happy heart " Yes I can remember this during the Live habits for happiness challenge with a story teller - Jay Shetty
During the Live habits for happiness challenge with this story teller I encountered some great works , and deeds from gratitude, he says" gratitude is a science that help to boost one's happiness by 10% which is equal to double one's income. Also he says " that when you are grateful for what people has done for you, you will put them to a very big test to do more". But come to our world today people no longer care for the good deeds you did for them, they have it as their right, and that is where it all started "GREED". When you are not grateful for what a friend, brother or sister did for you it makes you inhuman, it separates you, and success, it brings an end to your forth coming favors. Let's examine, search and call ourselves to order, let's put on our good manners shoe once more. I could remember when we were little, after eating with our parents, we always say "thanks Dad, thanks Mom ", how many of us today are still living by that wonderful moral? NOT MANY. We care for who to give us , how to get it, and where to get it, they are all in you, do not be on the mat of ignorance asking for favor, you killed it yourself, but there is a resurrection for there are three things to done to get it back.
1. Be grateful!
2. Stay grateful!
3. Remain grateful!
I could remember a female friend of mine who learnt gratitude through me, because she noticed always how I answer some of her questions, especially anytime she asked ' how are you doing ', I always reply with ' I'm good, thank you ', she got that immediately, and lived by it. That's the mission (INSPIRE ME I INSPIRE YOU MEDIA).
Do not say you didn't hear about the power in gratitude someday. Remember you are in control of your life, don't just admire others, and think those people have it on them one day, NO " A PRICE WAS PAID ", You have to pay a price for you to get what you want, and gratitude is one of those prices you must pay. Gratitude is for free, and sets everyone free, and self at peace, when we don't live in gratitude we become ungrateful remember, gratitude is something that changes negativity into positivity even in the hardest situation, it increase happiness for positive mood. Don't forget about " gratitude " in November, for it may open up the door of success in December for you and don't forget that being grateful has a domino effect.
Examine yourself once more (it's a new month remember)
Skip the past and fix the future (it's a new month remember)
And be nice to November, for it to serve you a December of your dream (it's a new month remember).
Thank you as you get yourself inspired.



" Life is not a fairy tale and success do not just happen". Starting with this quote to deep it in with the dreams we kill ourselves, for one of the most disastrous approaches to success is to believe that it will just show up one day. Many in our world today believe in grace that is not merited, they always have that" I will shine one day syndrome" . Remember" heaven helps those who help themselves" , ( mark11:24) will tell us - build up a healthy ambition for your perceived success and desire it in your prayers. John.F Kennedy had a dream to land the first man in the moon today the evidence is clear, your dream, your ambition. Remember nothing is impossible for whatsoever the mind can conceive the hand can achieve. It is between you and yourself alone to realize your dream, work towards achieving it, being focused, and steadfast to have it as a dream come true. No man will come to define your dream for you, for no man will give you a picture of who you want to be, is your aim to make your dream come true, the ball is in your court, all you have to do is to seek for advice and guidelines on how to make your dream a reality. One of the amazing things we have been given as humams is the unquenchable desire to have dreams of better life, and the ability to establish goals to live out those dreams. Think of it: we can look deep within our hearts and dream of a better situation for ourselves, and our families; dream of better financial lives
; dream of better physical lives; certainly Dream of better spiritual lives. But what makes this even more powerful is that we have also been given the ability to not only dream but to pursue those dreams, and not only pursue those but cognitive ability to actually lay out a plan and strategies (setting goals) to achieve those dreams.

Definition of a dream:
According to the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary;
Dream- " Something that you want to happen very much but that is not very likely".
For me; a dream is a mental picture of what you want to be".
When you were a kid in school, do you remember a teacher doing a review before a test and saying something like" pay attention now, because this is going to be on the test"? ,I do, the encouraging teachers who wanted to see their students succeed said things like that all the time. They will want us to be prepared so we could do well. They put us to the test, but they set us up for success.
My desire is to be like one of those encouraging teachers to you. I want to prepare you to put your dream to the test so you can actually achieve it.
In our world today alot of people have misconceptions about dreams.
Let's take a look at what the old and young in our world today call dreams.

DAY DREAMS - distractions from current work.
DIE-IN-THE -SKY DREAMS - wild ideas with no strategy or basis in reality.
BAD DREAMS - worries that breed for fear and paralysis.
IDEALISTIC DREAMS - the way the world would be if you were in charge.
VICARIOUS DREAMS - dreams lived through others.
ROMANTIC DREAMS - belief that some person will make you happy.
CAREER DREAMS - belief that career success will make you happy.
DESTINATION DREAMS - belief that a position, title or award will make you happy.
MATERIAL DREAMS - belief that wealth or possessions will make you happy.
 Another definition of a dream that can be put to the test and will pass: A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. A dream Worth pursuing is a picture and blueprint of a person's purpose and potential.
Dreams are valuable commodities, they propel us forward, they give us energy, they make us enthusiastic. Everyone ought to have a dream. But what if you are not sure whether you have a dream you want to pursue? Let's face it. Many people were not encouraged to dream, others have dreams but lose hope, and set them aside .

SOME PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DISCOURAGED FROM DREAMING BY OTHERS:   Many people have had their dreams knocked right out of them, especially the young men and women, the world is filled with Dream crushers and idea killers.
SOME PEOPLE ARE HINDERED BY PAST DISAPPOINTMENTS AND HURTS: Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality. All of us have encountered that gap, when something go wrong we say"I will not do that again", what a mistake, especially when it comes to our dreams! Failure is the price we must pay to achieve success.
SOME PEOPLE GET IN THE HABIT OF SETTLING FOR AVERAGE: I can remember one of the good words of columnist Maureen Down "the minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for". Dreams require a person to stretch, to go beyond average. You can not reach for a dream and remain safely mediocre at the same time, the two are incompatible.
SOME PEOPLE LACK THE CONFIDENCE NEEDED TO PURSUE THEIR DREAMS: Humor Columnist Erma Bombeck will also say" it takes alot of courage to show your dreams to someone else". It takes confidence to talk about a dream and even more to pursue it. And sometimes confidence separates and pursue dreams from those who don't.
SOME PEOPLE LACK THE IMAGINATION TO DREAM: How do people discover their dreams? By dreaming, it may sound simplistic, but that's where it starts. Imagination is the soil that brings a dream to Life.
Is my dream really my dream?

Do I clearly see my dream?

Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream?

Does my dream compel me to follow it?

Do I have strategy to reach my dream?

Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?

Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?

Am I moving closer to my dream?

Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?

Does my dream benefits others?
I believe that if you really explore each question, examine yourself honestly and answer Yes to all of them, the odds of achieving your dream are very good. I truly believe that everyone has the potential to imagine a worthwhile Dream, and most have ability to achieve it.
A speech writer Robert Orben asserted"Always remember there are only two kinds of people in this world - the realists, and the dreamers. Now the realists know where they are going, while the dreamers have already been there". If you have defined your dream, then you are ready to put it to the test.
If you are unsure of what your dream might be - either because you are afraid to dream or because you are somehow lost your dream along the way, then start preparing yourself to receive your dream by exploring the following:


SPIRITUAL PREPARATION: Seek God's help for a bigger - than - Self Dream.
MENTAL PREPARATION: Make out time to think about who you really want to be.
EXPERIMENTAL PREPARATION: Engage in activities in areas related to your interests.
VISUAL PREPARATION: Put pictures of people and things that inspire you.
HERO PREPARATION: Read about and try meet people you admire and who inspire you.
PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Get your body in optical shape to pursue your dream.
Once you do this six things to put yourself in the best possible position to receive a dream, focus on Discovering your dream. As you do , keep in mind these words " A dream is what you desire if anything, and everything is possible".

Your dream is your aim, make it a success, never blame any soul for not achieving your dream. They are in you, make the proper enquiry to have it, for people (the world) to come to you to acquire from it. Have we ever wondered why at the field of play every player is hustling to get the ball in their wing for them to do something great with it, it's because the have a dream, they want it to come true, either as the best player, highest goal scorer, best defender etc. Why can't we learn from the things around us and profit our lives. You have a dream to have a super market, do you think the goods there doesn't expire? They do , you must start with a mini shop if you want to grow to the level of supper market, for you to know the strategies to follow and manage it well. Kill the laziness in you and stay focused, believe that one day people will come together for the anniversary of your dream. Many go to the internet instead making use of the internet, the internet make use of them. Many opportunities wasted, many good chances ignored, say NO to anything that will drag you out of your dream. The inventions we see today, in time past was someone's dream, the flashy cars we admire today, that we call " latest in town " was someone's dream. Ask your self this question, What latest have i made since my existence?. You only achieve your dream when you see it doing something good in the lives of others (Dream Come True).
If you really want to achieve your dream, Live it, Love it, and enjoy unlimited happiness everywhere you go.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

About Chukwudobelum Media.

You are welcome lover of success. Chukwudobelum Media is a place where lovers of success come to get Inspired, know their limits and put themselves to the test to achieve success.