" Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude ".
Dearest friend, being in existence today, seeing yourself in the midst of the living and breathing in and out daily gives you a reason to be happy. Friend, being able to go to bed at night, waking up in the morning, going out and coming in safely makes you comfy.
Friend, the pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.
There are alot of people out there who think of a way of getting just a square meal, many of them out there who think of where to go and get help of a token that you spend in seconds, there are those who their problem is just shelter, but friend, in your own case you possess almost all the three (3) basic needs of life, do you think you still have a problem?, Then if you do , try visiting the orphanage homes, try checking on the patients in the hospital close to your locality, make out time to visit those who had only a father or a mother taking care of them, maybe in a family of five (5). You have every reason to smile, for no man is complete, you have every reason to be happy, for you wake up daily and seeing your siblings healthy, what about those who represent their family here on Earth, those who have no brother, no sister talk more of parents.
Dearest friend, self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how awesome you are if you can't see it yourself. We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, some lessons are painful, while some are painless, but all are priceless. Friend being happy does not mean that everything is perfect, it means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.
Smile friend, just remember there is someone out there that is more than happy without less than what you have.
You don't own all the problem in the world, for not everything will go as you least expect in your life, this is why you need to drop expectations and go with the flow of life.
What so ever you desire will come, for everything good will come, it might t Indianake a year, it might take a day, but in all , what is meant to be will always find it's way.
Friend, it's time you know this "smiling gives you more opportunity to live on ".
Smile and do not shed tears, for you don't own all the problem in the world.
By: Chukwudobelum
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